IAS Subodh Agarwal

Major Projects

Throughout his distinguished career, Dr. Subodh Agarwal has led and implemented numerous major projects that have had a profound impact on public welfare and governance. His visionary leadership and strategic planning have resulted in the successful execution of several key initiatives across various sectors, including health, food security, industrial development, and more. Below are some of the most significant projects spearheaded by Dr. Agarwal.

Annapurna Bhandar Yojana

The Annapurna Bhandar Yojana is a flagship project aimed at revamping the Public Distribution System (PDS) in Rajasthan. This innovative scheme provides quality multi-brand products at reasonable and competitive prices through Fair Price Shops (FPS) by engaging multi-brand retailers under a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) model.

  • Objectives:
    • Enhance the efficiency of the PDS.
    • Ensure the availability of essential commodities at fair prices.
    • Train dealers in modern trade and marketing practices.
  • Achievements:
    • Over 6000 Annapurna Bhandars opened across the state.
    • Sales exceeded ₹120 crores.
    • The scheme has been lauded by NITI Aayog and the Government of India, with several states expressing interest in replicating the model.

Establishment of New Medical Colleges

Under Dr. Agarwal’s leadership, Rajasthan saw a significant expansion in its medical education infrastructure. He was instrumental in the establishment of seven new medical colleges and a State Cancer Institute.

  • Objectives:
    • Address the shortage of medical professionals in the state.
    • Improve healthcare access and quality for residents.
  • Achievements:
    • Increased the number of government medical colleges from 6 to 13.
    • Enhanced medical education and training facilities.
    • Contributed to the long-term improvement of healthcare services in Rajasthan.

Establishment of New Medical Colleges

Under Dr. Agarwal’s leadership, Rajasthan saw a significant expansion in its medical education infrastructure. He was instrumental in the establishment of seven new medical colleges and a State Cancer Institute.

  • Objectives:
    • Address the shortage of medical professionals in the state.
    • Improve healthcare access and quality for residents.
  • Achievements:
    • Increased the number of government medical colleges from 6 to 13.
    • Enhanced medical education and training facilities.
    • Contributed to the long-term improvement of healthcare services in Rajasthan.

Biometric Verification for NFSA Beneficiaries

To ensure the rightful distribution of food grains and prevent leakages, Dr. Agarwal introduced a biometric verification system for beneficiaries of the National Food Security Act (NFSA).

  • Objectives:
    • Ensure that food grains reach the intended beneficiaries.
    • Reduce fraud and leakages in the PDS.
  • Achievements:
    • Point of Sale (PoS) machines installed in all FPS shops.
    • Compulsory biometric verification through PoS machines implemented.
    • Prevented leakages and saved more than 22% of the total wheat distributed.

Food Fortification Initiative

Dr. Agarwal led the pioneering effort to fortify food staples with essential micronutrients to combat malnutrition in Rajasthan.

  • Objectives:
    • Improve the nutritional status of the population.
    • Provide fortified food products through the PDS.
  • Achievements:
    • Fortified wheat flour with NaFeEDTA, folic acid, and vitamin B12.
    • Fortified edible oils with vitamins A and D.
    • Fortified salt with iron and iodine.
    • Recognized as “Food Fortification Champion Early Adopter” by the Government of India and FSSAI.

Food Fortification Initiative

Dr. Agarwal led the pioneering effort to fortify food staples with essential micronutrients to combat malnutrition in Rajasthan.

  • Objectives:
    • Improve the nutritional status of the population.
    • Provide fortified food products through the PDS.
  • Achievements:
    • Fortified wheat flour with NaFeEDTA, folic acid, and vitamin B12.
    • Fortified edible oils with vitamins A and D.
    • Fortified salt with iron and iodine.
    • Recognized as “Food Fortification Champion Early Adopter” by the Government of India and FSSAI.

Rajasthan MSME Ordinance, 2019

To promote entrepreneurship and ease of doing business, Dr. Agarwal was instrumental in the conceptualization and implementation of the Rajasthan Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (Facilitation of Establishment and Operation) Ordinance, 2019.

  • Objectives:
    • Simplify the process of establishing and operating MSMEs.
    • Foster innovation and employment generation.
  • Achievements:
    • Enabled MSMEs to start operations with a simple self-declaration form.
    • Extended the period for self-declaration from 3 to 5 years.
    • Reduced bureaucratic hurdles and promoted business-friendly regulations.

Refinery Development in Barmer

Dr. Agarwal has been a key figure in the development of the refinery project in Barmer, aimed at transforming Rajasthan’s industrial landscape.

  • Objectives:
    • Boost the state’s industrial economy.
    • Create employment opportunities and stimulate economic growth.
  • Achievements:
    • Proposed investment of around ₹40,000 crores.
    • Expected to create approximately 1,000 direct jobs and up to 40,000 indirect jobs during construction.
    • Contributed to the development of downstream petrochemical industries.

Refinery Development in Barmer

Dr. Agarwal has been a key figure in the development of the refinery project in Barmer, aimed at transforming Rajasthan’s industrial landscape.

  • Objectives:
    • Boost the state’s industrial economy.
    • Create employment opportunities and stimulate economic growth.
  • Achievements:
    • Proposed investment of around ₹40,000 crores.
    • Expected to create approximately 1,000 direct jobs and up to 40,000 indirect jobs during construction.
    • Contributed to the development of downstream petrochemical industries.

Micronutrient Fortification of Food Staples

Dr. Agarwal led the flagship scheme for micronutrient fortification of wheat flour, edible oils, and double fortified salt through the PDS.

  • Objectives:
    • Enhance the nutritional value of staple foods.
    • Address widespread micronutrient deficiencies among the population.
  • Achievements:
    • Implemented fortification of wheat flour with iron, folic acid, and vitamin B12.
    • Fortified edible oils with vitamins A and D.
    • Fortified salt with iron and iodine.
    • Rajasthan was recognized as a leader in food fortification by national authorities.

Employment Generation through Industrial Policy

To tackle unemployment, Dr. Agarwal initiated various policy reforms aimed at fostering industrial growth and job creation.

  • Objectives:
    • Promote regional development through sector-specific policies.
    • Facilitate the establishment of new industries and support existing ones.
  • Achievements:
    • Proposed a new industrial policy focusing on employment generation.
    • Streamlined regulations to make the business environment more conducive to growth.
    • Enhanced the ease of doing business in Rajasthan.

Employment Generation through Industrial Policy

To tackle unemployment, Dr. Agarwal initiated various policy reforms aimed at fostering industrial growth and job creation.

  • Objectives:
    • Promote regional development through sector-specific policies.
    • Facilitate the establishment of new industries and support existing ones.
  • Achievements:
    • Proposed a new industrial policy focusing on employment generation.
    • Streamlined regulations to make the business environment more conducive to growth.
    • Enhanced the ease of doing business in Rajasthan.

Dr. Subodh Agarwal's major projects reflect his commitment to public service, innovative thinking, and strategic leadership. Each project has contributed significantly to the socio-economic development of Rajasthan, making a lasting impact on the lives of its citizens.

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